

Flute YFL-212 【お取り寄せ商品】
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Price $ 595.20 USD
shipping : 108.8 USD
The YFL-212 is the latest addition to the best-selling YFL-200 series of beginner flutes.This series has been in production for nearly 40 years and has been used by many beginner flutists.
The concept of this series is “easy to play even for beginners,” and its identity is its light and comfortable blowing.
200 series
The material used for the body of the flute is white copper, which is easy to play and durable. The lineup also includes models made of lip-plate riser silver for richer sound, offering the joy of playing to all beginning flute players.
CY Head Tube
The CY head tube is easy to control and can be enjoyed by everyone. It features a comfortable blowing feel and a bright, rich sound.
Pin top arm
The new rounded design of the cup makes it easy to fit the fingers in the correct position, and the elegant European style with rich shading is appealing.
Adjustment Screws
Yamaha’s unique design prevents adjustment deviations due to loosening of the screws.
Adjustment marks
To ensure easy and correct assembly, guide marks are provided at the joints.
This is a great help for beginners who don’t know where to adjust the joints! This is a great help even for beginners who don’t know where to adjust the joints.
Features of this piece
The resistance felt when blowing into the instrument is light, and the instrument can be easily pronounced. This model is suitable for beginners because it requires only a small amount of breath to sound the instrument.
In terms of tone, it has a simple, bright, and brilliant sound without any peculiarities.
メーカー/機種 | YAMAHA // YFL-212
調子 | C
頭部管 材質/仕上 | 白銅/銀メッキ
管体 材質/仕上 | 白銅/銀メッキ
キイ 材質/仕上 | 洋銀/銀メッキ
バネ 材質 | ステンレス
トーンホール | 引き上げカーリング
キイシステム | カバードキィ、Eメカニズム付き
付属品 | ケース、ケースカバー、クリーニングロッド、ガーゼ、YAMAHAクロス、取扱説明書
保証 | メーカー/自社ともに1年
任意保証 | ヤマハ安心アフターサポート |